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365 Ways to Ignite the Spark in Your Marriage Kit only $6.97!!

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Let’s just all come to terms with the fact that marriages aren’t always full of that newlywed spark. As you grow and change together, so does your marriage. Some of the things that come with a mature marriage are even better than being newly married – that ability to know what the other is thinking, to feel perfectly comfortable being exactly who you are – but one of the things that we tend to lose is the spark. Remember that giddy, happy feeling where you just wanted to BE with each other, no matter what you’re doing. For some couples this might last forever, but I think most marriages take some work to make it happen. Since The Dating Divas are so passionate about making marriages work, they created the ultimate resource for any relationship. I cannot even tell you how excited I am about having this in my back pocket. (Okay, it won’t really fit in your back pocket – there are way too many ideas for that!)

Reignite the Spark with:

  • A List of Romantic Ideas – 365 ‘spark-starters’ to reignite the romance in your relationship.
  • Monthly & Weekly Love Calendars – To provide an easy reminder and schedule each idea.

Whether you’ve got an amazing marriage or one that needs a little extra loving, these ideas are absolutely fail-proof. Because there are 365 ideas, it’s perfect for a one-a-day scenario but if I’m being totally honest I know that even with these how easy these spark starters are to use, the chaos of my everyday life will get in the way and I’ll miss some days here and there and I’m not going to stress about it. I kind of doubt I’ll miss too many though, because that’s the whole beauty of this pack – it’s completely done for you! I’m always a sucker for anything that helps relieve a bit of my stress while making a huge impact in my life!

Plus, guess what else… the ideas are even organized for me. They’re categorized so I can focus my energy towards actually doing something for my spouse and our marriage instead of searching through ideas to find the ‘perfect’ one. I love that so many of the categories match up with the Five Love Languages, just check them out:

  • Quick & Easy
  • Service Ideas
  • Notes & Words
  • Intimacy Ideas
  • Time Together
  • Love Gifts
  • Ideas for HER
  • Ideas for HIM

My plan is to pick a few ideas at the beginning of each week and add them to the Weekly To-Do List that’s also included in the pack. If you’re even more of a planner than I am, you can also do it a month ahead!

It’s the perfect go-to resource for keeping that flame going and all you’ve got to do is grab this pack and print it out to get an entire year of brilliant ideas! A tiny price to invest in your marriage for a whole year!

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Lauryn R

Saturday 27th of January 2018

Very interesting, I will have to check this out! Thank you so much for sharing! :)

Amber Ludwig

Wednesday 17th of January 2018

Oooh this is something SUPER needed in my relationship!! Its amazing how fast the spark fades once real life gets tough!

Ashley Chassereau Parks

Sunday 14th of January 2018

This sounds like an interesting thing to do as a married couple! Marriage can be hard work and its definitely not all butterflies and roses, but its such a beautiful thing to have a partner in life! My hubby and I drive each other nuts, but we're still crazy about each other after so many years. :)


Sunday 14th of January 2018

You’re so right — it is hard work! I think that this challenge is a great way to keep the fire alive in your marriage.

Linda Manns Linneman

Saturday 13th of January 2018

It is so important to keep the spark in a relationship. After the newness wears off and life sets in it takes work from both people. Thank you for sharing this great article


Saturday 13th of January 2018

You’re very welcome and you’re right! :)

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