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5 Perfect Outdoor Activities to do with Your Toddler this Spring

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Spring is the perfect time to get your little one outside. It isn’t too hot, but it isn’t too cold either. Not only is the weather close to perfect, but so many fun things are happening in the spring. The birds are coming back, you can see color on the trees, and the flowers are beginning to bloom. As spring comes back around, this is the perfect opportunity to do some outdoor activities. 

5 Perfect Outdoor Activities to do with Your Toddler this Spring

Here are 5 outdoor activities to do with your toddler!

#1 Go on a Bird Hunt

Do a quick Google search and print out pictures of the various birds you can find in your area. Take your toddler to the park or on a walk to see how many different birds you can find. When they find a bird, they can draw a picture of it or take a picture with your phone. 

5 Perfect Outdoor Activities to do with Your Toddler this Spring

#2 Stop and Smell the Flowers

It’s important for all of us to stop and smell the flowers from time to time. Go for a flower walk and talk about the different colored flowers. Ask your toddler questions about the flowers such as:

  • Does that flower smell the same as the other flower?
  • What is different between this flower and that flower?
  • Can we find the pollen, stamen, stem, leaves, and petals?
  • How many petals are on the flower?

Don’t forget about telling them how important the bees are at keeping the flowers beautiful. 

5 Perfect Outdoor Activities to do with Your Toddler this Spring

#3 Do Some Gardening

No one is too young to have a green thumb. Even if you aren’t the best at gardening yourself, this is a fun adventure for youngsters. They get to get their hands messy, use grown up tools, and watch things grow. Here are some easy plants even kids can grow:

  • Sunflowers
  • Radishes
  • Marigolds
  • Snap peas
  • Carrots
  • Tomatoes
5 Perfect Outdoor Activities to do with Your Toddler this Spring

#4 Make a Fairy Garden

A kid favorite is making a special place for all the fairies to come and visit. Fairy gardens can be made right in your flower garden or in a separate pot. Give your kids lots of craft supplies and let them get creative with their very own fairy garden. 

5 Perfect Outdoor Activities to do with Your Toddler this Spring

#5 Sell Snacks and Lemonade

Spring is the perfect time to sell snacks and lemonade. After a long winter of being cooped up everyone young and old likes to go for a little stroll. So, help your toddler bake some cookies and stir up some lemonade to sell. This is a great way to teach them about money, the economy, and how to share. Once your done with your shop, let your toddler spend the money they earned on something fun to play with outside. 

5 Perfect Outdoor Activities to do with Your Toddler this Spring

Do you have any famously fun activities to do with toddlers? Share them in the comments below!

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