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Cute Infant and Baby Costumes! #Baby

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Our little boy, Liam, is due on October 1st– we are so excited that he will be here during the fall. Since he is being born in the fall, he will be a few weeks old when Halloween comes around. We’ve been on the search for a great costume for our little boy for a few months now. We want something that will be infant sized and reasonably priced. My husband also wants him to have a monkey dress up outfit– especially for pictures of him as a newborn! It is tough to find places that offer quality baby costumes at reasonable prices– you can go broke buying costumes! I stumbled across a wonderful costume site that offers Infant/Baby Costumes, just what we’re looking for. 

Check out a few of my favorite costumes on this site:

Spider man 1Heinz KetchupMonkey

I think the monkey one is a definite yes for us! It is so cute and I think little Liam will look so cute in it. The Heinz Ketchup Packet one is a funny one– my husband just asked me if we could use that as our ‘bringing home outfit’….. about that?! The Spiderman is a classic for sure, and that may be one we consider next year as I don’t think that mask would be good on him when he is really little. Also, since our little boy will be born in the fall, we also have a few other holidays that we will have to purchase some costumes for! This site has some GREAT costumes for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are thinking of using some cute holiday costumes for times with our families as well as times for pictures! This way we can save some extra money by taking our own pictures of little Liam! Check out a few that I like: 

 TurkeySanta baby













So, if you’re in the market for some cute Infant and Baby costumes, you’ll want to click HERE to look at their selection. Those pictured above are priced very reasonably– for example the Ketchup packet is only $14.95 and the adorable monkey is only $25.95! What a great deal– I think I am going to order the monkey for now, how cute will our little boy be in that outfit. I know how hard it can be to find cute and affordable costumes! Those costume stores that come out for Halloween are usually very pricey and the costumes aren’t made well. This site will solve all of your costume needs! 

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Saturday 26th of July 2014

I love the Turkey and Ketchup costumes...so cute!

Justine Caraway

Friday 25th of July 2014

The little turkey is so cute!

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