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Father’s Day Gift Guide: Pulse by Sengled! #FathersDay

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Since we are expecting our first child, this is the first year that we are celebrating Father’s Day for my husband. I was super excited to be asked to feature the Pulse bulbs by Sengled in my Father’s Day Gift Guide. When the package arrived, I told my husband that this box was for him (he isn’t used to getting packages… usually I am the one who gets them). Honestly, I didn’t know too much about the product so it was neat to see him open the package and be excited to get upstairs and try them out. 

Sengled, a leading manufacturer of LED technology has revolutionized lighting with the introduction of Pulse by Sengled, an intelligent bulb with JBL multi-channel stereo wireless speakers. Pulse streamlines light and sound into one seamless system to enrich the atmosphere in personal, family, and public environments. The bulbs are available beginning today at www.sengledplus.com and Pulse by Sengled is the first product in the new sengLED+ intelligent lighting family, which represents the company’s vision of transforming lighting from utility to lifestyle with the integration of consumer electronics into LED lamps and luminaires.

When he opened the package, my husband immediately went upstairs to install it into the light in our shared office. I took the time to download the FREE application on his iPhone and we anxiously awaited it to be ready to use. Once we synced the phone via Bluetooth to the light bulb we tried it out by playing music via Pandora (which he does frequently).



The awesome thing about this product is that it goes into a typical light socket and works with most Bluetooth-enabled devices including smartphones, tablets and PCs. One thing my husband noted was that the audio is powered by JBL and the LEDs provide energy efficiency. The intelligent bulbs provide added ambiance to a room without the hassle of extra wires, cords, batteries. Once we got that one going, we noted that the second bulb in the package is connected to the “master” so we took that into our room. Once we put that in the light socket, we could control the lights and the music in both rooms. Within the application (available on Android or in the App Store) you can dim and turn on and off the lights in the room(s) as well as control the volume of music. We weren’t able to dim the lights before, so this is a very helpful and awesome feature. 




The quality of sound and brightness is great. We are impressed every time we turn on the bulbs and play music. I love how we can have music playing in the office and the same in our room without having any extra wires or special devices. We can use our phones and play great music through the light bulbs. We’ve shared information about the product with family/friends and every time we try to explain it, they always say “no way” or “I’ll have to see this.” The product is so innovative and we are excited to have these in our house and continue to share them with our family/friends. 

In creating this intelligent bulb, Sengled leveraged our core competency as a leading LED lighting company, and has redefined light sockets as the hub of smart homes,” said Alex Ruan, general manager of Sengled USA. “The introduction of Pulse is exciting because we were able to take something as ubiquitous as a light bulb and transform it into a consumer electronics product that brings together the utility of lighting and the lifestyle of music and ambience”. 

“As an extension of a product that is focused on creating and customizing an experience, it was critical that the application also provide an intuitive yet advanced interface for the user,” said David Maren, vice president, Strategy & Innovation at Pulse comes in sets of two bulbs – one master bulb and a wirelessly connected satellite bulb– at a suggested retail price of $169.99 for the pair. The bulbs are rated for at least 25,000 hours of life. Future versions of Pulse will include the ability to connect up to seven satellite bulbs to the master. 


I have the awesome opportunity to give ONE reader a set of the Pulse by Sengled bulbs (Master & Satellite Bulb) a Retail Value of $169.99 for the pair. Simply use the Rafflecopter form below to enter to win.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Nicole Millheim

Sunday 15th of June 2014

I would give them to hubby


Friday 13th of June 2014

I'd either give these to my hubby or one of my brothers! Super cool!


Friday 13th of June 2014

If I won, I would share it with my hubby ;)

Cassie Hayes

Thursday 12th of June 2014

I would give these to my husband but I think my little daughter would enjoy these as well.

Sherrie C.

Thursday 12th of June 2014

I would give them to my husband if I won. Thanks :)

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