In Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, a live-action adaptation of the studio’s animated classic, Emma Watson stars as Belle and Kevin Kline is Maurice, Belle’s father. The story and characters audiences know and love are brought to life in this stunning cinematic event…a celebration of one of the most beloved tales ever told.
Gaston (Luke Evans) a handsome but arrogant brute, holds court in the village tavern in Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, directed by Bill Condon, a live-action adaptation of the studio’s animated classic and a celebration of one of the most beloved stories ever told.
The mantel clock Cogsworth, the teapot Mrs. Potts, Lumiere the candelabra and the feather duster Plumette live in an enchanted castle in Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST the live-action adaptation of the studio’s animated classic directed by Bill Condon.
Director/co-screenwriter Bill Condon on set with Belle (Emma Watson) in Disney’s BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, a live-action adaptation of the studio’s animated classic. The story and characters audiences know and love are brought to life in this stunning cinematic event…a celebration of one of the most beloved stories ever told.
I really cannot wait to see this movie. It looks so fabulous!
Wednesday 1st of March 2017
Thanks for sharing the trailer! I'm excited to see this movie!! I love the story! I would love to have a library like Belle's for sure!!! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you. Happy March!
Thursday 2nd of March 2017
I really cannot wait to see this movie. It looks so fabulous!
Wednesday 1st of March 2017
Thanks for sharing the trailer! I'm excited to see this movie!! I love the story! I would love to have a library like Belle's for sure!!! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you. Happy March!