Have you ever been shopping at the grocery store, when suddenly a rude customer bumps into you, and continues walking, without acknowledging the incident? Have you ever followed someone out the door of your favorite restaurant, only to have them let the door close right into you?
These are both highly annoying incidents that seem to happen frequently, and they could have easily been prevented, had everyone been taught nice manners as children. We all want our children to grow up, to at least be decent human beings, and by instilling manners into them while they are still young, it is very possible for this to happen. Here are some tips to teach your toddlers about manners.
- Be a Role Model
Toddlers absolutely love mommy and daddy! In fact, they love you so much, that they often desire to be you when they grow up. This is why it is important to always be respectful, and use your manners, yourself, because your little one is always watching. So when you open the door for someone else, your child will witness your act of kindness, and will someday soon be seen doing the same for someone else.

- Teach “Please” and “Thank You” Early On
When your toddlers are first learning to say new words, it is important to add, “please,” and “thank you,” to your sentences. So, when your child is reaching for the refrigerator, saying, “Milk!” Be sure to say, “Milk, please!” As you hand them their sippy cup. Also, when your child does something that you ask of them, or when they do something nice for you, be sure to tell them, “Thank You!” So they can also learn that concept early on.
- Practice, While Out and About!
It is important to take your kids out in public,so that they can practice their manners while you are out and about. Playgroups are the perfect time for manners, because it will be a great environment for them to learn to share, learn to apologize, and be polite. There will always be fighting over toys when there are toddlers around, so use this opportunity to teach your child how to react kindly.

- Keep At It
Your toddler won’t be a manner genius overnight. However, if you keep at it, you can easily teach your toddler manners. Teaching your toddler manners is one of those good things to do while the kids are young. The younger they are, the more instilled those manners will be as time goes on.
How are you teaching your toddler manners?