Almost all of us have salt in our home, but have you ever considered using it in other ways than seasoning your foods? Sure can! Salt can be used in your cleaning, the garden, and even in some cases, beauty routines! Does that surprise you? It really shouldn’t.
Salt at one time was considered such a luxury that it was actually used as a form of currency! These surprising uses for table salt are great if you’re looking to get away from harsh cleaners and chemicals to take your home in a more natural direction. Take a look at these surprising ways to use it and let me know if you see any that I didn’t list.
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Keep Your Car Windows Frost Free –
Add 2 tablespoons of salt to 1 gallon of hot water and wipe your car windows down. Use a dry rag and wipe them dry and they’ll stay clear of frost and “fog” in the winter!
Clean your drain naturally –
Mix ½ cup salt with 1 quart of water and pour it down the drain to keep them clean and draining well.
Cleaning Red Wine Stains –
Stretch the stained fabric out and hold it tight against something to drain into (bowl, sink, etc). Sprinkle a bit of loose salt on the red wine stain and slowly pour boiling water over it. Make sure you use enough salt to cover the stain and voila! Instant stain remover.
Remove water marks from wood –
Make a small paste of 1 tablespoon salt and a few drops of water. Using a sponge, gently rub the paste into watermarks on your wood. Once the water mark is gone, polish like normal for an instantly restored tabletop.
Keep ants out of your home –
Have an ant problem? Sprinkle salt at the barriers of your home (doors and windows) to keep them out. They won’t cross the salt barrier to get in.
Reduce a bee sting –
Bee stings happen, but they don’t have to hurt as badly as you might think. Remove the stinger and immediately wet it down. Cover with salt and the swelling and pain should be reduced. This won’t work if you’re allergic, however, so in that case, please still seek medical attention.
Keep milk fresh –
Add a pinch or two of salt to a new gallon of milk to help keep it fresh longer! This also works well for heavy cream.
Keep your towels bright –
When buying new towels, wash them the first time with 1 cup of salt. This will keep the colors from running and help keep them nice and bright.
Natural Weed Killer –
Boil a solution of 1 cup salt and 2 cups water on the stove. Pour directly on weeds in your garden for an easy pull free weeding! By coincidence? This can also help keep snails out of the way too!
Help fight dandruff –
If you’ve got a dandruff problem, take a bit of salt and massage it into your scalp before you shampoo. The salt will help loosen any dry skin cells on your scalp making it easier for them to be washed away when you shampoo.
Debbie Bray
Monday 23rd of February 2015
I will definitely use salt to remove some watermarks from wood
Diana C
Sunday 22nd of February 2015
I didn't know about the many uses of salt, thanks for sharing.
Diana C
Kimberly Frazee
Sunday 22nd of February 2015
I know I sprinkle some on the ice on the steps and it clears them quickly breaking it up unless its thick or built up ice.Theres lots of uses.
Tara L
Sunday 22nd of February 2015
Interesting facts about salt lol I like the Keep ants out of your home –
Have an ant problem? Sprinkle salt at the barriers of your home (doors and windows) to keep them out. They won’t cross the salt barrier to get in.
janet aycock
Sunday 22nd of February 2015
i did not know about using on car windows