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7 Things You Should Do the Week Before School Starts

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7 Things You Should Do the Week Before School Starts | ThisNThatwithOlivia.com

The first day of school is quickly approaching, so you might be wondering what you can do to make the process a simpler one. Luckily, there are some tasks you can start implementing now to make the back to school season a more productive and organized one. In fact the sooner you begin, the sooner these actions can become habit. Take a look below at 7 things you should do the week before school starts so that by the time the school bell rings, you have your routines down!
1. Begin implementing an earlier bedtime.
If your children have been enjoying late nights, now is the time to start implementing an earlier bedtime. You can start gradually by having them go to bed 30 minutes earlier than they have been, then gradually increase the time until you reach a proper bedtime.

2. Wake children one hour earlier.
Children will no doubt struggle waking up earlier once the school year begins. Start preparing them now by waking them up 30 minutes earlier each day. You can do this gradually until they are waking at their typical back to school wake up time.

3. Create your back to school lunch menus.
Take the guess work out of packing lunches by making your lunch menus now. Find some creative lunch ideas, create your shopping list, and create lunch menus a week at a time so that you are never scurrying around trying to decide what to pack.

4. Gather all health and physical forms.
Now is the time to gather your health and physical forms that will need to be turned in prior to the school year beginning. If you don’t have these forms, contact your pediatrician and schedule any last minute physicals at this time.

5. Organize all clothing/uniform items.
Now is the time to start washing and organizing your back to school clothes. Start sorting clothing items out and hanging and storing them in a way that makes them easy to access once the back to school season starts. You can begin by lining up the clothing for the first week of school then develop a system from there.

6. Touch base with classroom friends.
Try touching base with classroom friends and arranging some last minute play dates. This is a great way for kids to get familiar with each other again and start anticipating the back to school season together. It can also help them beat the back to school blues and nervousness.

7. Send an email or note to your child’s teacher.
Let your child write a quick note to their new teacher introducing themselves. You can also do this via email if possible. Just send any correspondence to the school so the teacher will receive it. This helps them get excited about the school year and start the year off on the right foot.

Are you ready to enjoy a more streamline and organized back to school season? Give these 7 things you should do the week before school starts a try and see what a huge difference they can make to your day.



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Saturday 3rd of September 2022

This is such a great idea for families love this 💗💗

Debra @AFrugalFriend

Tuesday 2nd of August 2016

So many great ideas - I'm glad I've at least got the medical and dental checkups done. Whew - now to make the menus to get a head start! Thanks!

Erika Bragdon

Monday 1st of August 2016

These are great reminders of what I need to do before the kids start school. We already have appointments with doctors to get all the health and physical forms out of the way.


Monday 1st of August 2016

Great list of reminders, waking the kids an hour earlier is one of the best tips I've seen so far!


Monday 1st of August 2016

I am so ready for kids to go back to school and so are they!!! We kept close to the same bed time all summer and we started clothes shopping last week.

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