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The Fringe Hours Book Review + Sale! #FringeHours #Sponsored

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I am sure many of you can relate when I say “I’m REALLY busy,” right? Life is busy but I’ve learned that I am not as busy as I make myself out to be, most of the time. Yes, I am a mom to Liam (an active and fun 15 month old) as well as to 2 black labs, a wife to my amazing husband, a full time Federal Government employee, a blogger, a social media manager, and more! Plus, I have some of my extended family local to me so that can add to the “busy” part of life as well. We also are faithful attenders of our great church here and my husband volunteers for their youth group…… I consider myself to lead a busy life.

Find your Fringe Hours #FringeHours #Sponsored

I was recently given the awesome opportunity to receive a book and some accessories from blogger, Jessica Turner, called The Fringe Hours and My Fringe Hours as well as some other accessories to go along with this product line. I knew right away that this book would be for me – I need to find the fringe hours and get better at managing my time. One of the things that hit home with me in the book is learning how to say “no” without feeling guilty. Most of the time you’re saying “no” to something for this time in your life, because it doesn’t make sense. Here, I’ll give you an example…… we recently moved, my husband changed jobs, we switched churches and started our new life. Yes, both of us were closer to work, had more land and really enjoy our new church. We wanted to get involved so we both started to volunteer at Youth Group on Sunday nights. I didn’t want to leave Liam with my Mom anymore as we don’t see him enough through the week as it is – so I would take him with us. That meant that I was NOT able to fully commit to volunteer anymore. It was a hard thing to say no to, but I knew it was necessary. However, I found a place that I could volunteer and that was the church nursery on Sunday mornings. In fact, I volunteered for the first time at our new church on Sunday. It was fun to see Liam play with the other kids and for me to interact with them as well. Saying no is NOT easy but that is something I learned to help me with finding the Fringe Hours in my life.

Fringe Hours Book

There are 2 books that Jessica Turner has written, “The Fringe Hours” and “” which both have some questions with spaces to answer in the book. It is so easy to work through and helps you as you embark on the journey. I decided to try the FREE Time Tracker for a week to see how I do. I find myself lacking in the time for myself arena. It is hard for me as a working Mom to take that time away from Liam since we don’t see him a lot as it is. Additionally, my marriage is important too! I was able to see what adjustments I could make to my schedule to make time for the things I love like reading, or getting a pedicure! These tasks don’t take too much time away, but they are very essential to my personal well being.

The products pictured above — post cards, journal, and pouch can be purchased from DaySpring! Both books can be purchased on Amazon!! Plus, the ebook of The Fringe Hours is on sale on Amazon January 11-15 for only $1.99! Grab your copy of these books – you will NOT regret it.

How do YOU find your Fringe Hours?

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Jenna Wood

Saturday 16th of January 2016

Interesting- I tend to operate on 4 hours of sleep a day so I'm not sure I'll ever find my fringe hours. I milk my time and CANNOT say no- it's bad. Maybe this would help me learn to turn things down here and there. At the same time, I feel empty when my schedule isn't full.


Saturday 16th of January 2016

Learning how to say no to something is a hard skill to learn! And every time I think I have learned how to say no, I realize that I am up to my ears in things again. This looks like a great resource that I need in my life!

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